Kendall at Hanover, Community Center

Hanover, NH

  • Lavalle Brensinger Architects – 2008-2010
  • photography by John Hession

New Millennium Studios Working with the lead designer and architect I was tasked with developing and creating the construction drawings for a new addition and renovation of the existing community center. This entailed expanding the existing dining hall, a full renovation of the kitchen, and creating a new coffee bar, sitting area, and library off the main corridor. Working with the architect and interior designers to create an interior ‘streetscape’ that offered a full sit down dining, a cafeteria area, coffee shop, and a grab-and-go. The project involved expanding the back of the facility to increase the dining area, kitchen, and provide a delivery dock below the kitchen for easy delivery and direct access to the kitchen. In addition, we added skylights, in the existing roof, over the main corridor and sitting area. The incorporation of large sliding glass doors at the cafe allowed the space to be opened up to the main corridor creating a ‘sidewalk cafe’ feel.